Money on the elder and younger generations
Today’s teens aren’t married to the idea of banking with, well, a bank. They have no preconceived notion of what a bank is or should be, and they are going to migrate to solutions that offer them the most convenience, the most opportunity, and the fewest limitations. Most likely, they are going to migrate to solutions that manifest first and foremost as an app. While Bancambios aims to provide a bank-like interface and bank-like services to provide the formality elder generations look on money management. Same money market and savings accounts that elder generations trust are giving back an average of 0.01 percent plus many other banking fees.
In Bancambios we want to be that new platform where elder generations can feel related-to, and where they can get better returns and less fees on saving accounts.
We could not find a generous interest yield in the records of Legacy Banking, we find unfair and out of balance that regular Banks charge 25% on credit card using other people money and at the same time give back 0.01% in return. Meanwhile, at Bancambios we aim to offer much better interest rates better than any other Legacy Bank and at the same time making sure this vaults have the highest rank available on cybersecurity, with the goal to be resistant to a quantum computer attack. We believe the naturalization of trading is the next spot to boost real mass adoption of a new financial ledger. Where digital assets are backed by real assets representing an asset of true value, and that is why we aims to achieve in Bancambios.
The rapid growth of the sharing economy over recent years has created endless possibilities for sharing in many parts of the world. Today people are willing to share everything from their homes and cars to skills and knowledge. Advancement in technology, Internet connectivity, and social networks has fueled a collaborative environment with extensive reach among people.
Younger generations must have readily available tools enabling their full participation in decision‑making arenas to better shape a brighter future for all, the Commission for Social Development heard today as it continued its general debate.
Bancambios aims to be that place where, culture, responsibility, inclusion, and community-oriented financial services co exist.