Web3 adoption in Mexico at all time high — Take a Look!

6 min readJul 10, 2023


Our recent study shows Web3 is growing rapidly in Mexico.

Mexico is projected to be the next boom in Web3. With more solid concepts, products, ideas learned from the last years.

  • Total Population: 133 million
  • Average age: 27.5 years old
  • 3.9% of the population owns cryptocurrencies, projected to grow to 12% in 5 years
  • Digital Payment volume in 2023 projected to be $90 billion. By 2027 it is projected to reach $157 billion, double digit grow source
  • E-commerce market value $23 billion per year
  • Mobile commerce market size $8 billion
  • 2.2 million Digital Nomads in Mexico, 70% from USA. Mexico ranked 5th Digital Nomads destination nomadlist.com/mexico-city
  • 80.8% of the population uses Internet Daily which 75% access with computer and 16% mobile
  • Mexico jumped in the crypto global rank from #47 to # 13 in countries owning crypto and will keep going
  • 42% of Mexican companies are looking to adopt blockchain and cryptocurrencies in some form.
  • 51% of Internet users have used AI application
  • Mexico City is 3 on the most popular cities for Digital Nomads (between Bali #2 and Lisbon #4)
    Mexico City is top 3 on Wi-Fi for Digital Nomads
  • Remittances through Crypto increased by 400% during 2022 source
  • Mexico is number 8th on global engineering graduates (between Ukraine and France)
  • Mexico Payments and E-commerce aims to grow at double digit pace

Mexico City 22 million people
Guadalajara 6 million people
Monterrey 5 million people

Below some posts from the events from the most active Blockchains rapidly gaining territory and community.


1 — Polkadot (Rust/Ink)

2 — StarkNet (Cairo/Rust)

3 — Solana (Rust)

4 — Gear / Vara Network (Rust)

5 — ICP Hub / Internet Computer (Rust)

6 — NEAR Protocl (Rust & JS)

7 — Fuel Network (Rust)

> All the chains above are building on Rust 🦀


Polkadot Mexico is doing a remarkable job and leading the race!

The DOT ambassador program is working.


Cointelegraph < article

La comunidad de Polkadot brindará capacitaciones sobre Rust en Ciudad de México

La Universidad Iberoamericana y miembros de la comunidad de Polkadot organizan workshops en Ciudad de México, enfocados en estudiantes de sistemas informáticos e ingeniería, desarrolladores de Web2, Web3 y blockchain


Pokdadot Workshops are constantly full, and they are prepearing a Hackathon.


Vera Network

Vara Network uses Substrate, it is a chain backed by Parity, Web3 Foundation.


Guadalajara Hackathon

Gear Art event showcasing 6 artists who painted murals, together they sold $2000 USD in1 night with the community.

Hackathon Prize Ceremony



Building with Cairo a Rust-based programming language, is gaining traction rapidly.

StarkNet Event at BBVA Tower, inside the BBVA Web3 incubator.

  • Workshop in Spanish on how to build on Layer 2.

SKD in Spanish GitHub — Starknet-Es/StarknetEs-Aprendizaje: 👨‍🎓 Lista de recursos traducidos sobre aprendizaje relacionado con Starknet y Cairo


Internet Computer Protocol — ICP Hub LatAm operates from Mexico City


Certifications for ICP Developer in Spanish.

ICP is already gaining Community in Mexico.

ICP Hub in National Mexican Television — reaching millions of viewers.

Canal 40 has 1M followers on Twitter https://twitter.com/adn40/status/1672351530232729600

Events at Universities on how Blockchain and ICP works.






. Solana Grizzlython Winners from Mexico


Solana Mexico

Recently Solana Mexico came in second place on more registrations to the Grizzlython, more than India, Germany, USA, etc. only behind Vietnam. With 2,000+ registrations.

Solana Mexico Sponors

. Solana Foundation launches Grant Program for Mexico.

. Once a week Solana does Community Calls.

. 473 Hackers registered to the latest Solana Hackathon

. Solana is doing meetups all around Mexico. So far 12 different cities.


NEAR Protocol




NEAR Protocol is the most activate Blockchain regarding Regenerative Finance and building Regenerative Communities.




Event with 74 Universities in Mexico.

Several Beach Cleanups in Akumal, Sian Ka’an, Tulum, Playa del Carmen.





Fuel Network Mexico https://twitter.com/fuel_network/status/1603494919657644037



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How to build Smart Contracts on Rust in Fuel Network


We will keep you informed on the groth of Web3 in Mexico.




Written by Bancambios.com

Bancambios DeFi — Decentralized Orderbooks making impact on every transaction. Advanced cross-chain DeFi connectivity.

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